How to effectively replace manual dust removal with biodegradable and environmentally friendly tableware
The degradable lunch box belongs to pulp molding technology, mainly using wheat straw, sugarcane pulp, and other raw materials. According to product requirements, it is made by mixing pulp, sugarcane pulp, grouting, wheat straw pulp, wood pulp, and other materials in proportion.
The degradable lunch box belongs to pulp molding technology, mainly using wheat straw, sugarcane pulp, and other raw materials. According to product requirements, it is made by mixing pulp, sugarcane pulp, grouting, wheat straw pulp, wood pulp, and other materials in proportion. During the production process of degradable lunch boxes, foreign objects are prone to occur, such as film shavings, angel hair, plant fibers, powder shavings, and other movable foreign objects that fall off after the pulp lunch box is coated and cut.
As a substitute for tableware, degradable lunch boxes have a clear requirement for the cleanliness of the inside and outside of the boxes. Therefore, for pulp type environmentally friendly lunch box production enterprises, how to reduce manual dust removal and achieve more efficient dust removal methods is always expected.
As a customized enterprise specializing in surface electrostatic and dust removal equipment for products, we have developed an environmentally friendly and degradable electrostatic and dust removal equipment for lunch boxes in response to user expectations and the foreign objects generated in the production of environmentally friendly lunch boxes.
Due to the large amount of dust, film debris, plant fibers, and other foreign objects generated during the production process of environmentally friendly and degradable lunch boxes, when providing tableware dust removal solutions, the key consideration is to consider the dust collection and dust removal modules of the equipment. If the enterprise has other needs for dust removal equipment, specific problems can be analyzed and provided with specific solutions.-
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